Vol. 28, No. 16 -- December 2023
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HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES -- engraved plaque

Michael Cook of Kentucky

SOS: "Who the Heck Is?" Mike Cook (AAL) 188-76-25, *50, $556,800
Mike Cook Fact #2: Mike Cook has been in many stables over the course of his career. He's forgotten a few, but those he remembers are KOD, WWW, EDGE, LPPF, COT, CTI, EDGE, and SOS.

Michael Drake of New Jersey

VIRUS: Ricky Shane Page (LPL) 460-430-67, *51, $1,999,700



World Champion

VIRUS/BCB: "A-Game" Derek Ace (WWL)
The Landlord from Wicked City; 501; $250,000 + 75 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 25 free matches, 10 free matches for WWL managers next cycle

U.S. Champion

NME: Hooded Nightmare (GCL)
Steven J. Deane of Nebraska; 501; $100,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; edged NME: Deathhawk (JDL)

King of the Ring

SOS: C.H. Austin "Endless" Summers (LBL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio; manager retained title; 499; $50,000 + a large plaque or 25 free matches; 280 KotR total; hold positions were 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13; battle royal hold positions were 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15


FEDERATION TITLES -- $50,000 + 25 free matches

Iron Federation Champion

TWGWK: Gaspar Mohammadi (NPL)
Jake Duvall of Georgia; 499; edged VIRUS: Anthrax (HLL), VIRUS: The Comet (BOL)

Steel Federation Champion

SOS/OMR: "Gunslinger" Aaron Renegade (OSL)
Reign from Ohio; retained title; 501

Gold Federation Champion

SOS: The Grammar Hammer (SVL)
Derek Tuttle of Florida; 501

Diamond Federation Champion

SOS/ARMY: Zipperface (ECL)
Donald Henry of Illinois; 501; edged SOS/OMR: "Legend Killer" Luke Hardrock (YJL)

Bronze Federation Champion

VIRUS/BCB: "A-Game" Derek Ace (WWL)
The Landlord from Wicked City; 501; edged SOS/OMR: War Machine (LNL), EDGE: "Stone Coal" Steve Cringle (UNL)

Jade Federation Champion

VIRUS: Eddie Express (GCL)
Tim Szokan II of Ohio; 501; edged NME: Cyrus the Virus (DXL), SOS/ARMY: "Lone Drifter" Jackson Kutler (JDL), NME/CHAMP: Awesome Adam Stryker (PKW)


SPECIALTY TITLES -- $25,000 + 10 free matches

American Champion

VIRUS/BCB: "A-Game" Derek Ace (WWL)
The Landlord from Wicked City; 501; edged SOS/OMR: "Gunslinger" Aaron Renegade (OSL; missed title by point flow last time)

Asian Champion

NME: Cyrus the Virus (DXL)
Steven J. Deane of Nebraska; 501; edged SOS/ARMY: Zipperface (ECL), VIRUS: Sensational Sherry (LLL), SOS: The Grammar Hammer (SVL), SOS/ARMY: "Lone Drifter" Jackson Kutler (JDL)

Elite Champion

Cyrus the Virus
60 free matches or a real wrestling belt & 10 free matches

Hardcore Champion

NME/CHAMP: Awesome Adam Stryker (PKW)
"Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine of Vermont; 501

International Champion

VIRUS: Eddie Express (GCL)
Tim Szokan II of Ohio; 501; edged SOS/OMR: War Machine (LNL), EDGE: "Stone Coal" Steve Cringle (UNL), SOS/OMR: "Legend Killer" Luke Hardrock (YJL)

Metropolitan Champion

Cyrus the Virus
25 free matches; edged Steve Cringle

Rookie Brawl Winner

COT: Rachel Yamazaki (NWL)
Tom Flesher; retained title; manager held title 3 cycles in a row; 500



National Champion

EDGE/ROT: Professor Pompus (NFL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina; 501; a large plaque or 25 free matches; Central Plains region; edged NME: Jason Rogue (TGL)

East Coast Champion

EDGE: Robert the Mega-Murderer Chambers (PKW)
IWA Legend Terrence Boyd of Georgia; 501; edged NME: The Ghoul (OSL), VIRUS: Junik Matteo (WEW)

Great Lakes Champion

SOS: The Bingo Warrior (AEL)
Derek Tuttle of Florida; 501; edged EDGE: "Royal Hustler" Kingston Santino (DZL)

Mid-Atlantic Champion

NME: The Evangelizer (AAL)
~TZ~ of Virginia; 501

Northeast Champion

SOS: Rompin' Rick Mirer (AEL)
Derek Tuttle; 501

Pacific Northwest Champion

EDGE: Brad Gorman (TGL)
Brad Norman; 501; edged VIRUS: Cholera (NAL)

Rocky Mountains Champion

VIRUS: Lobo Zombie (LSL)
Chris Schmitt of Kansas; 501

Southeast Champion

SOS: Smooth Tyrant (AEL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio; 501; edged VIRUS: Edge Neckbeard (WEW), VIRUS: "The Midnight Patriot" Michael King (WWL)

Southwest Champion

SOS/OMR: "Cosmic Titan" Atlas (STL)
Reign from Ohio; 501; edged NME: Hooded Stomper (GCL)

West Coast Champion

COT/ATC: Nondescript Van Driver (APL)
Dan Hayman of Michigan; 501



Ladies' World Champion

VIRUS: Sensational Sherry (LLL)
Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; 501; $50,000 + a plaque or 15 free matches

Ladies' U.S. Champion

NME: "Sweetness" Stacy Warner (PDL)
~TZ~ of Virginia; 499; $25,000; edged VIRUS: Drake Douglas (FFL)

Queen of the Ring

COT: Fierce Felicity Daniels (PDL)
Tom Flesher; 270 QotR total

Ladies' National Champion

GUN: Olivia Oblivion (BBW)
Patrick Wallace of Texas; 500

Ladies' Tag-team Champions

EDGE: Cocoa Bea Wear & TBABIT: The Peace Monger (PDL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina & Seth Brubaker of Ohio; retained titles; edged DOD: Catfish Josie & Dr. BB (BBW)

Ladies' U.S. Tag-team Champions

ORDER: Amazing Amy & Deadly Darlene Blitz (BBW)
Timothy L. Clark of Washington

World Six-woman Champions

SOS/OMR: "Pyro Princess" Pele, "Blazing Sun" Sol, "Stone Cold" Skadi (FFL)
Reign from Ohio; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row; 521; edged EDGE: "Scary" Kerry Harlowe, TBABIT: Doctor Thunder, "Terrific" Terri Dog (PDL)

U.S. Six-woman Champions

VIRUS: Testy Betsy, Bruce Jenner "The Female Version," Barbara Bush (LLL)
Frank Jay Belcher III; manager retained titles



World Tag-team Champions

NME: Jumping Jimmy Warner & Harvey Specter (CSL)
~TZ~ of Virginia & Mike Carver of Pennsylvania; ~TZ~ held titles 9 cycles in a row; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches

SOS: "Great Lakes Champion" Mike Cook & Omega Man (AAL)
Michael Cook of Kentucky & "The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio; Cook held titles 5 cycles in a row, Manning retained titles

VIRUS: Brodie King & GVHD (LPL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey & Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; Belcher held titles 3 cycles in a row

VIRUS/BDE: Bloody 24/7 & Broken Tables (HWL)
The Landlord from Wicked City

EDGE: Dungeon Master & "Lefty" Abraham Nunez (MEL)
Jeff Annable of Canada & Brad Norman of North Carolina

COT: Nikolai Koloff & Nikita Volkoff (WEW)
COT: Warlords Pain & Agony (UCW)
Wade Reinhard of Pennsylvania

Top Contenders

8. COT: Super & Acceptable Machines (ZZL)
NME: Evan & Earl (IGL)
NME: Sheik Achmed Abdul Juan Tiki Tiki & Lawrence (GRL)

11. NME/ROGUE WARRIOR: Talon & Eagle Claw (FSL)

12. NME: Plankton & The Phoenix (EEL)

13. SOS/OMR: 1/2 Man, 1/2 Amazing & SOS/ARMY: "Crazy" Betty Hacker (HRL)

14. VIRUS: Bros Jackson & Montana (BOL)

15. VIRUS: Erroneous Ethan Edge & TOXIC: Dangerous Gerry Extreme (DZL)

16. TWGWK: Baddest American Wiper Charmin C. & Cycler Schwinn Wheeler (SVL)
SOS: "Cyclone" Cy Young & "Imaginary Legend" Mike Cook (NDL)

18. SOS: Alex & Axel von Snapp (CWL)
ORDER: Billy Bob & Joe Bob Wrestlepants (QPL)

20. VIRUS: The #1 Fan of ? & F.B.III from the C.D.C. (DXL)

21. The Samoan Assassin & Toa Anoa (BRL)
previous champions; last of the teams with 516

U.S. Tag-team Champions

HIGHER FLYERS: Graig Gagne & "Jumpin'" Jim Brazil (QPL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota; share of $25,000

VIRUS/BDE: Chokeslam & Chainsaw Shatterday (HWL)
The Landlord

EDGE/CHOSEN: Keith Scott & EDGE/ROT: Rye Guy 18 (MEL)
Jeff Annable & Rich Reilly of New Jersey; 516; edged VIRUS: Brain Buster Butcher & Staph Infection (LPL), SOS/OMR: The Great One & The Chosen One (HRL), TOXIC: Duke Diesel & VIRUS: Onita (DZL), TWGWK: Yung Cessna & Lil' Boeing (CSL)



World Six-man Champions

NME: "For the Win" Tommy Quinn, Johnny Justice, Performance Center Trainer 7 (CSL)
Solomon Shaw of Maine, ~TZ~ of Virginia, Steven J. Deane of Nebraska; retained titles; ~TZ~ held titles 51 cycles in a row, Shaw 13 in a row, Deane 4 in a row; share of $50,000 + 15 free matches

NME: Tickle Me Pitbull, Mike Mayhem, Money Mike Malone (XPL)
"Dr. Pain" Mark Duchaine of Vermont (Pitbull) & Michael Eaves of Mississippi; ranked #19 last time; Duchaine retained titles

NME: Buda von Blitzen, Fireball, The Megabrain Mark Duchaine (NAL)
Mark Duchaine

NME: Richard, Rodney, Rohan Raines (EEL)
Michael Eaves

<H*N*R>: Chile Relleno, Tacosaurus Tex, The Guacamole Kid (BBL)
Adam Maloy of Florida; moved up from U.S. titles; manager retained titles

VIRUS: Finn Balor, Avian Flu, Armageddon (HLL)
Michael Drake of New Jersey (Balor) & Frank Jay Belcher III of Michigan; Belcher held titles 32 cycles in a row, Drake 4 in a row

SOS/OMR: "Grave Digger" Myles Grim, Swiss Superman, SOS: Bad, Bad Leigh Roy-Brown (SVL)
Reign from Ohio & Derek Tuttle of Florida (Roy-Brown); Tuttle held titles 13 cycles in a row, Reign 4 in a row

COT: Commissioner's Bodyguard, The Scramblin' Hillbilly, Jimmy "The Body" Janos (QPL)
Steven M. Shotliff of Minnesota; manager held titles 3 cycles in a row

EDGE: Quadavious "Quads" Santino, Sister Night, EDGE/ROT: Rye Guy 3 (MEL)
Brad Norman of North Carolina, Jeff Annable of Canada, Rich Reilly of New Jersey; Annable & Norman held titles 3 cycles in a row

ORDER: Sundogs Grimes, Patch, Spot (DXL)
Timothy L. Clark of Washington; manager retained titles

IMT/AR15: They Them Climate Change Elrod 13th, Fourth Amendment, Bad Dude Elrod Corn Pop (NDL)
Kevin Elrod from FEMA Camp Region V

Top Contenders

12. COT: Really Big, Fast, Masked Machines (MUL)

13. COT: Regular, Terror, Dream Machines (APL)
last of the teams with 521

U.S. Six-man Champions

NME/DEATH EXPRESS: Vlad Dracul, NME: "The Destroyer" Chris Bordeaux, The Hitchhiker (CSL)
Steven J. Deane, ~TZ~, Solomon Shaw; ~TZ~ held titles 34 cycles in a row; share of $25,000

SOS: "Abs" O'Lutely, SOS/OMR: Khabib Ripuramov, "Original G" George Kripple (SVL)
Derek Tuttle (O'Lutely) & Reign; Reign held titles 4 cycles in a row, Tuttle 3 in a row

SOS: Scarlett Warrior, King Kong Grundy, Zap Melendez (QPL)
"The Smooth One" Jeff Manning of Ohio

EDGE: Mr. Gift, Bip Bipley, EDGE/ROT: Rye Guy 1 (MEL)
Jeff Annable, Brad Norman, Rich Reilly; Annable & Norman held titles 4 cycles in a row

VIRUS: Sami Callihan, Old Droopy, Dirty One-Eye (HLL)
Michael Drake (Callihan) & Frank Jay Belcher III; 521; edged TWGWK: single Dorito inside a bag of Sun Chips, Yoca, Muriel Puddings (WWL)



1. SHL (1,112 matches) 491.306

2. DXL (807 matches) 491.868

3. BRL (794 matches) 490.476

4. CWL (622 matches) 491.263

5. UNL (563 matches) 491.750

6. NWL (554 matches) 490.813

7. BBL (543 matches) 490.815

8. IWL (518 matches) 490.758

9. AWL (504 matches) 491.512

10. WWL (494 matches) 492.741
highest average strategy total (active wrestlers only); 10 free matches for managers next cycle


TOP 20 STARS -- active wrestlers only

1. NME: Wonderful Wally Brown (GRL) 211

2. NME: Sinister Steve Stryker (ASL) 208

3. NME/CHAMP: Sir Gunther Kinderwacht (ASL) 189

4. LPPF: Misfit Messiah (NAL) 157

5. LPPF: Medieval Tymes (ASL) 151

6. NME/CHAMP: Nightmare Sam Hell (ASL) 149

7. NME: Lord of Illusions (ASL) 138

8. VIRUS: Mike Drake (HWL) 137

9. VIRUS: Mike Drake (DZL)
NME: The Mighty Deadhead (XPL) 132

11. NME: Mark the Master Duchaine (GRL) 130

12. NME/CHAMP: Inferno (GRL) 126

13. NME: Buda von Blitzen (NAL) 125

14. NME: Deadly David Death (GRL)
NME/CHAMP: The Executioner (XPL) 121

16. NME/CHAMP: Arson (GRL) 119

17. EDGE: The Terminator (CZL) 116

18. Executioner (LBL) 115

19. VIRUS: Outlaw Tony Taylor (EHL)
Ultimate Ice (LBL) 112



2023 Managers

1. Michael Drake 2,510

2. Frank Jay Belcher III 2,480

3. ~TZ~ 2,375

4. Reign 2,315

5. Solomon Shaw 2,270

6. Steven J. Deane 2,120

7. Brad Norman 2,090

8. "The Smooth One" Jeff Manning 1,740

9. Derek Tuttle 1,660

10. Jeff Annable 1,575

11. Michael Cook 1,435

12. Donald Henry 1,160

13. Steven M. Shotliff 935

14. Let's Go Marchand 920

15. Mike Carver 820

16. Keith A. Maple 810

17. Wade Reinhard 800

18. Adam Kleinow 795

19. Mitchell Johnson 745

20. Seth Brubaker 665

2023 Stables

1. NME 6,580

2. SOS 5,755

3. VIRUS 4,515

4. EDGE 3,215

5. OMR 2,305

6. COT 2,175

7. ARMY 1,160

8. ORDER 1,065

9. TBABIT 930

10. Free agents
FRM-16 920


The title values are: World, 70; U.S., 90; KOTR, 20; federations, 70; Specialty, 15; National, 90; regionals, 10; Ladies' World, 15; Ladies' U.S., 10; QOTR, 5; Ladies' National, 10; ladies' multis, 5; World Tag, 50; U.S. Tag, 30; World Six-man, 40; and U.S. Six-man, 20. Additional stats and rankings are available on the independent website tzwainfo.wixsite.com/pbm-history-site/iwa. These rankings are not officially recognized or endorsed by the IWA.



Iron Federation

Black Ops, Bounty Hunter, Center Stage, Evil Eye, Hardcore Wrestling, Heroes and Legends, Main Event, National Patriots, Quick Pin, Unknown Wrestler, Vixens United, Xtreme Poison

Steel Federation

Coffin Filler, European Wrestling, Gorgeous Amazon, Hired Assassin, Intense Impact, Louisiana Swamp, Mobsters' Underground, MvG Sports Louisiana Purchase Ligue, New Blood, Old School, Vicious Vixens, World Domination

Gold Federation

All Star, Battle Royal, Black Widow, Blood Bath, Continental Wrestling, Danger Zone, Final Impact, Global Wrestling, Independent Wrestling, Knight's Honor, Masked Mayhem, Mystic Diva, New Wave, Ninja Dojo, Snake Venom, Western Trails

Diamond Federation

Action Packed, Evil Clown, Femme Fatale, Flying Aces, Lethal Brawling, Native Sensation, Night Falcon, Non-stop Action, Saber Tooth, Xtreme Wrestling, Yellow Jacket

Bronze Federation

American Extreme, American Outlaw, Blood Bath Women, Brass Knuckles, Caged Animal Wrestling, Celebrities Only, Extreme Hardcore, Grim Reaper, High Rollers, Iron Glove, Living Nightmare, Pretty Deadly, United Nations, Wicked Warz

Jade Federation

Atomic Age, Combat Zone, Deluxe Wrestling, Federation Superstars, Global Championship, Jade Dragon, Lone Wolf, Lovely Ladies, Psychotic Killer Wrestling, Super Hero, True Grit, United Championship Wrestling, Worldwide Elite Wrestling, Zig Zag

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